Public Exam Result Data
A web based result publication system for education boards. It includes JSC/JDC/SSC/DAKHIL/HSC/ALIM and equivalent examination.
A web based result publication system for education boards. It includes JSC/JDC/SSC/DAKHIL/HSC/ALIM and equivalent examination.
Web based result publication system for education boards. It includes JSC/JDC/SSC/DAKHIL/HSC/ALIM/Diploma and equivalent examination.
Find Bangladesh export data of all the important segments.
The overall position of export receipts
Commodity-wise export receipts
Major country/commodity-wise export receipts
DGHS LMIS is a web based tool to monitor DG Health Services national & regional level logistics data. Data entered at local levels and consolidated reports available in Dashboard.
DGFP LMIS is a web based tool to monitor DGFP national & regional level logistics data. Data entered at local levels and consolidated reports available in Dashboard.
Stock status, shipment status & procurement status of contraceptives and DDS kits available in this report at a glance.
MIS system was established for the record keeping and reporting systems at the grass root level to generate RH-FP-MCH performance data. Monitoring and supervision system was implemented for overall FP-MCH services.
It is an Open Government Data initiative by Economics Relations Division, Ministry of Finance, Government of Bangladesh. AIMS is your one-stop-shop for all data and information related to foreign assistance in Bangladesh.
Basic information of Secondary Schools with Number of Teachers and Students by Sex.