Shares of Public and Private Investment 2007-16
This Data Set contains Data about the Shares of Public and Private Investment 2007-16 as a percentage of Total Investment.
This Data Set contains Data about the Shares of Public and Private Investment 2007-16 as a percentage of Total Investment.
This Data Set contains data about the Foreign trade performance 2012-16 on Imports / GDP, import rate of growth, Exports / GDP, export rate of growth. (Exports imports) / GDP and (Exports less imports) / GDP.
This Data Set contains data about the Proportion of morbidity by division (2012)
This Data Set contains data about the Morbidity Ranking according to prevalence of morbidity per 1000 population (2012), ranked by Fever (FUO),Arthritis, Peptic Ulcer, High Blood Pressure, Dysentery, Diabetes, Diarrhoea, Acute respiratory infectio
This Data Set contains data about the Percentage distribution of population by sex, age group and sex ratio (2012) through the age group of 0-4 to 80 .
This Data Set contains relevant data about the Fire Incidents occurred all around Bangladesh for the year 2014.
This Data Set contains the data about Sectorwise gas usage in Household, CNG, Business, Captive, Industrial, Electricity, Irrigation, Others.
This Data Set contains data on Total Foreign Exchange Reserve 2012-16