Interest Rate Spread
Data based on Monthly Weighted Average Rate of Interest on Deposits and Advances.
Bangladesh Import Payments Data
Find Bangladesh import data of all the important segments.
The overall position of import payments
Major commodity-wise import payments
Commodity-wise import payments
Bangladesh Export Receipts (Quarterly Data)
Find Bangladesh export data of all the important segments.
The overall position of export receipts
Commodity-wise export receipts
Major country/commodity-wise export receipts
Bangladesh Export Data
Find Bangladesh export data of all the important segments.
The overall position of export receipts
Commodity-wise export receipts
Major country/commodity-wise export receipts
Aid Information Management System (AIMS)
It is an Open Government Data initiative by Economics Relations Division, Ministry of Finance, Government of Bangladesh. AIMS is your one-stop-shop for all data and information related to foreign assistance in Bangladesh.
Household Income and Expenditure Survey-2010
Household Income and Expenditure Survey(HIES)-2010 .Report can be seen in BBS websit(