Knowledge about this information will help parents decide on what schools to send their children to based on location, grading (if possible), type of medium etc.
Knowledge about this information will help parents decide on what schools to send their children to based on location, grading (if possible), type of medium etc.
This data set contains the GDP at Current and Constant Market Prices between the period of 2012 to 2016.
This Data Set contains the Average Size of Household By Division and Residence divided into different divisions and rural and urban area.
Knowledge about this information will help analyze the rainfall pattern across regions in Bangladesh.
Knowledge about this information will help citizens be aware of the location and service facilities of various doctors across Bangladesh.
Knowledge about this information will encourage citizen empowerment. Transparency and accountability will be ensured. This also aligns with the interests of Government’s Right to Information Act.
This data shows the production of the major crops in Bangladesh over the period of 2012 to 2016 in Lac Metric Tonne.
This dataset gives us a comprehensive view of the amount of area utilized for each type of crop cultivation in Bangladesh.
This data shows the sectoral growth rate of GDP of the Agricultural field between the period of 2012 to 2016. It includes GDP growth rate of Crops & horticulture, Animal Farmings. Fishing , Forest and related services.