
14 results

Crime Statistics

    Find updated monthly and yearly Data on different crimes as per various administrative unit of Bangladesh Police. It also shows the arms, explosives, narcotics and smuggling recovery cases.

    Pilgrims Pre-Registration System

      Find data on the number of pre-registered Government and non-Government Pilgrims, list of approved Hajj agencies, list of designated Banks for registration and registration details including different costs for Government and non-Government Pilgri

      Overseas Employment Data

        Run by Bureau of Manpower, Employment and Training, this database contains data on overseas employment, district/country/category-wise employment statistics and remittance inflows.

        Overseas Wage Earners Data

          Run by Wage Earners Development Board, this database contains data on diaspora registration, scholarship provided for the children of the wage earners and grants/insurance/benefits provided in case of the wage earner being sick or dead.