


196 results

Data of Treasury Bills & Bonds

    Find updated data on List of Treasury Bonds Outstanding, Monthly Outstanding of Treasury Bonds held by Non-resident Investors, Monthly data on secondary trading, Monthly data on Primary Issuance and Secondary Trading Data of Govt. Securities.

    Exchange Rate of Taka

      Exchange rates of Taka for inter-bank and customer transactions are set by the dealer banks, based on demand-supply interaction. The USD/BDT buying and selling rates below are highest and lowest inter-bank exchange rates at Dhaka.

      Balance of Payment

        Monthly data on
         Balance of payments
         Commodity wise export shipments
         Commodity-wise import recorded by customs
         Services and income account

        Overseas Employment Data

          Run by Bureau of Manpower, Employment and Training, this database contains data on overseas employment, district/country/category-wise employment statistics and remittance inflows.

          Overseas Wage Earners Data

            Run by Wage Earners Development Board, this database contains data on diaspora registration, scholarship provided for the children of the wage earners and grants/insurance/benefits provided in case of the wage earner being sick or dead.

            ADP Projects Database

              This Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Department database contains the list of ministry/division-wise Annual Development Program projects with necessary data.