Birth Registration Information System
It is an web application for application for birth registration, tracking of registration application and verification birth record.
It is an web application for application for birth registration, tracking of registration application and verification birth record.
Find data on different climate parameters: Temperature (°C), Rainfall (mm), Relative Humidity (%), Bright Sunshine (Hours), Wind Speed (mps) and Cloud Coverage (Octs).
It provides all the information related to the licences issued by Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission.
Find here data relating to mobile subscribers, internet subscribers, PSTN subscribers and VAS allocations.
Find data relating to Bangladesh e-Government computer security incidents.
Find data on e-tender, e-proposal, e-contracts, debarred tenderers, annual procurement plans, performance indicators and other procurement related matters.
Find Bangladesh import data of all the important segments.
The overall position of import payments
Major commodity-wise import payments
Commodity-wise import payments
Find Bangladesh export data of all the important segments.
The overall position of export receipts
Commodity-wise export receipts
Major country/commodity-wise export receipts
An open source geospatial data management & visualization platform. It is a mapping platform to create custom and stylish maps.
A web based result publication system for education boards. It includes JSC/JDC/SSC/DAKHIL/HSC/ALIM and equivalent examination.