Interest Rate Spread
Data based on Monthly Weighted Average Rate of Interest on Deposits and Advances.
Exporters' Database
It is Bangladesh Export Directory. Find data on the list of chambers, joint-chambers, export associations, product list and related matters.
Inward remittance facilities data
You can find Foreign Banks, Exchange Houses and Subsidiaries / Overseas Branches of Bangladeshi Scheduled Banks which have drawing arrangements / remittance facilities with different banks in Bangladesh.
Data of Treasury Bills & Bonds
Find updated data on List of Treasury Bonds Outstanding, Monthly Outstanding of Treasury Bonds held by Non-resident Investors, Monthly data on secondary trading, Monthly data on Primary Issuance and Secondary Trading Data of Govt. Securities.
Exchange Rate of Taka
Exchange rates of Taka for inter-bank and customer transactions are set by the dealer banks, based on demand-supply interaction. The USD/BDT buying and selling rates below are highest and lowest inter-bank exchange rates at Dhaka.