Road Accident and casualties Statistics (2009-2016)
This Data Set contains Data about Road Accident and casualties Statistics between the period of 2009 to 2016 and contains Number of Accidents, Deaths and Injuries.
This Data Set contains Data about Road Accident and casualties Statistics between the period of 2009 to 2016 and contains Number of Accidents, Deaths and Injuries.
This Data Set contains data about Provisional and Final Estimates of GDP Transport, Storage and Communication.
This Data Set contains information about all the intercity train routes, including Starting station, departure time, arrival station, arrival time, name of stations, etc.
This Data Set contains number of Mobile Phone subscribers (2016) and the different telecom operator subscribers.
This Data Set contains the Number of internet subscribers in Bangladesh (2016) and the internet service providers.
This Data Set contains the Number of PSTN subscribers in Bangladesh (2016) and the operators.
This Data Set contains the current marital status of population by different age group (2012)
This Data Set contains data about the distribution of population by age, residence, sex and division (2012)
This Data Set contains the data about the Projected Production of Electricity 2015-18 in the Government Sector and Private Sector.
This Data Set contains data about the production of electricity in sectors such as Home, Agriculture, Business, Industry, Others.